Supporto commerciale ed estensioni

Piani di consulenza e supporto - Estensioni commerciali


You do not have a menu item pointing to the list all Akeeba Ticket System categories for the Italian (Italy) language. Ticket links may be broken until you add such a menu item.

#7 – Idea...

Salvato in ‘Supporto Joomla Little Helper’
Questo è un ticket pubblico. Chiunque potrà vederne i contenuti. Non includere login, password o altri dati sensibili.
Domenica, 06 Ottobre 2013 09:33 UTC
Hi there, this is more of an idea than anything - You already do 2 cool things for Joomla Admins, and I thought it would be so cool if there was a 3rd icon: Global Checkin Having to manually Check-in things or go to the Global Checkin screen, check all the categories and then have the system do a Global Checkin is a pain begging for some automation! What do you think... for Joomla 2.5 / 3.x ? :) Cheers, Emmanuel.
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