Estensioni per Quick2Cart

Quick2Cart è una eccellente soluzione e-commerce multivendor.  Alcune caratteristiche devono ancora essere introdotte, ma l'architettura è un ottimo Joomla! MVC, il che ci permette di integrarla ed estenderla fino ad ottenere il risultato richiesto dal cliente. 

Ecco una breve lista degli aspetti sui quali stiamo lavorando:
alcuni verranno integrati nel core, altri resteranno distribuiti come estensioni indipendenti.  La maggior parte è intesa per estendere le funzionalità multivendor della versione 2.1, e parte di essi è diventata obsoleta quando Quick2Cart 2.2 è stato rilasciato (Settembre 2014).

La nuova release 0.2 dei plugins è stata rilasciata il 4 Giugno 2014  download now. (include la documentazione in pdf)

Download the docs for the Extra fields, Tax and Shipping extensions. It's a bit rough, but since they will be obsolete in a couple of months we didn't feel like spending too much time on the docs.

Extra fields for Quick2Cart

A simple plugin that adds a few extra fields to the shop: Custom terms and condition, privacy policy.

Additionally, the site owner can use the plugin configuration to prevent products from multiple shops being added to the same cart (single vendor cart-checkout)

The shop owner will be able to edit these fields in the store view, and each shop will have their own.

No view overriding is done: the plugin just inserts the fields at the end of the standard ones. No database changes are required.

Multivendor shipping for Quick2Cart

Allow each vendor / shop to have their own shipping charge.  Questo è reso obsoleto da Quick2Cart 2.2.  Requires Extra Fields.

Multivendor tax rates for Quick2Cart

Allow each vendor / shop to have their own single tax (VAT) rate. Questo è reso obsoleto da Quick2Cart 2.2.  Requires Extra Fields.

Download the three above plugins' new release 0.2 here. (includes the pdf doc) We won't publish the current version in the downloads page since it is short-lived.

Stripe payment for Quick2Cart

This is the simple Stripe payment plugin.  It allows to collect payments to the site owner - much like the paypal payment plugin does.  Payments do not go directly to the store owner, you will be using the Quick2Cart payouts features to accomplish the payments to the vendors.  Go to the extension's page.

This extension supports the Common Payment API and will work with any of the extensions that implement it.

Please note: the extension is not free, but if you are willing to test it on an extension we haven't tried it on, you will get it free for life including updates. The offer is valid on a first-come first-served basis, make sure you contact us with our contact form or with a support ticket telling us the name of the extension to ensure your priority.  If the tests don't start within a week, you'll lose your seat and get no free updates.

Split Stripe payment for Quick2Cart (Stripe Connect)

This is the complete Stripe payment plugin. It allows to collect payments directly by the store owners.  Additionally, when a commission is specified, a percentage of the order will be sent to the site owner automatically.


In the above descriptions, these roles are used. Please read carefully:

  • Site owner: the company that owns and runs the website.
  • Store owner / vendor: the company that runs the individual store hosted on the site.
  • Customer / client / end user: the person / company that will purchase from the store.

Terms and conditions

The extensions that will be superseded by the development plan in Quick2Cart will be retired shortly after the official implementation by TechJoomla is out. They are free and officially unsupported, but we'll try our best to help you, just open a support ticket.

A word of caution

Although Quick2Cart does support multiple shops per vendor, all these extensions - and some part of Quick2Cart - only support one shop per vendor.