Stripe Connect Vendor configuration

Stripe Connect allows your site to receive payments on behalf of registered vendors (i.e. using Quick2Cart, JTicketing or JGive) and keep a fee for your main account.
The configuration of the Stripe payment plugin contains the fields for the connect application codes, which you must generate on Stripe.
Once the stripe connect is enabled, the vendors will be able to Connect their accounts to your site and start receiving payments.
Vendors, both in the backend and in the frontend editing page will have access to the same features.
The Sandbox options are explained in the connect configuration.
Attention! Before you can Connect, you need to type and save your email address!
You will be redirected to the Stripe website, you may have to login:
Please note. If you are already logged in with a different account, please logout. You may see an error like this:
Then you will be asked to connect:
Once you click Connect you will be redirected back to the website, and the Connect button will be gone (or an error will be shown):