Optimization Starter package

Do you wish to improve your site speed? Google speed test says that your site is too slow?

How it works

Like many of our other services, the optimization effort can vary, depending on your goals and the current state of your installation.

Our Optimization Starter Package includes a complete configuration review and the application of most non-coding optimizations.  Since fixing your configuration takes only slightly longer than reviewing it, we'll improve your site where it's possibile.  You will get a measurable improvement in the site speed (Time to first byte) and an optimization of the number of files served, plus leveraging the server and browser cache.

What we need

  • super user access
  • ftp access to your webserver

Expected outcome

  • Optimization of the configuration
  • Proper configuration of browser and server cache
  • A complete report of the activities, including an indication of other bottlenecks in code or server along with an offer to fix those, and a list of the optimizations that we couldn't do because they would conflict with others - less effective or complete - that are already in place.

The report

A full report including all the activities that were carried out and those which should be done, along with an offer.

  • the starting situation and critical issues of your site;
  • the activities performed;
  • the results of those activities;
  • if appropriate, an offer for further optimizations.

You can purchase the optimization starter package here:


approx. $412.41

Configuration review

Set the optimal configuration

Minimize css and javascripts

Enable server and browser caches

Full report of activities and further possible optimizations

approx. $466.68

Configuration review

Set the optimal configuration

Minimize css and javascripts

Enable server and browser caches

Full report of activities and further possible optimizations

This activity is performed offline and then applied to your production server to ensure no down-times.

Terms of the optimization activity

  • The activity is done live on your webserver; for 30€ extra you can provide us with a JPA/tgz/zipped copy of your website and we perform the work offline (this is important if your site is high traffic: during the tests we may introduce some errors, although usually they don't last longer than a few seconds); if you take care of creating a copy of the website, no extra fees apply;
  • Usually we deliver within two days;
  • We most likely will install a couple of extensions to help achieve the goals; these are admin-only or optimization extensions.

Tags: Joomla Speed